Monday 11 November 2013

Sunday 23 June 2013

Equine Angels giving disabled children wings to fly!

Absolutely humbled by our Heavenly Daddy's grace. Yesterday saw the first equine therapy session with disabled little angels. About 2 years ago we rescued two beautiful little ponies and they were put through rehabilitation therapy. Nemo (one of these ponies) had the opportunity to give back today by being one of the ponies used during the hippotherapy session with children suffering from Muscular Dystrophy. The effects of the therapy was so evident. We witnessed four children who can barely move, ride a horse and LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT! This was the first feeling of "walking" these kids have ever had. What a blessing! The interaction between horse and child blew my mind! I am literally in tears as I am writing this post. God used his creation to give these little angels a taste of freedom.

Friday 25 January 2013

El Shaddai - the God who is more than enough!

And the Lord said to Moses, " Has the Lord's arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not" (Num 11:23)

Numbers 11 starts out with the Israelites complaining that they do not have any meat to eat. They complained that they had all the fish they wanted in Egypt and now (after being rescued) they only have manna to eat. God heard their cry and told Moses to tell them that He heard their cries and after they have purified themselves, He will send them the meat they have asked. Moses asked God how this would be possible as there were 600 000 men alone to feed (not to mention women and children) and all the animals they had would not be enough to feed everyone. The Lord then asked:"Has the Lord's arm been shortened?" (God is trying to tell Moses and the Israelites that NOTHING is impossible for Him)

Nothing is beyond reach when God is on your side. In 2 Peter 1:3 God promises to give His children " all things that pertain to life and godliness". This includes things that pertain to our spiritual, physical, emotional and financial needs.

God is bigger than any problem you can ever encounter. Seek Him first and eveything you need will be given to you.

He is El Shaddai - the God who is more than enough!

(Reference: Extreme Teen Bible: New King James Version)